i loved the smell bgd rehto rahebaa , kol mykhls hgeboo , elprice tuhfa 3l kmya w a3ad m3ya for 6 months wna bshower beh kol youm
has a very luxurious smell , bgd a7la mix honey w vanilla shameto f hyaty , highly recommended , it's price bnsba l kmyto w rehtoo bgd bgd tuhfa , b2alo m3aya 6 months wna bshower beh everyday , kol mykhlas hagebo bgd
At first, I didn’t like the smell then I got used to it and actually think that it complements the rest of my routine. The smell doesn’t irritate your allergy which is a good thing for me, personally.
Regarding the review stating that it lasts 6 months with a daily shower, that was not the case with me but that’s fine. The size is pretty good & enough for the price 🙏