No matter whether you’re trying to grow out your hair after a regretful haircut, or experiencing excess thinning and shedding, the quest for longer, stronger hair can be a frustrating one! The Source Beauty team is all about slathering this follicle booster on our hair to help boost growth. Flaxseed and rosemary oils are two of the most well-known ingredients when it comes to hair health. Thus, when the two come together in this epic hair growth product from Raw African, it comes as no surprise the results (and reviews!) are impressive.
No matter whether you’re trying to grow out your hair after a regretful haircut, or experiencing excess thinning and shedding, the quest for longer, stronger hair can be a frustrating one! The Source Beauty team is all about slathering this follicle booster on our hair to help boost growth. Flaxseed and rosemary oils are two of the most well-known ingredients when it comes to hair health. Thus, when the two come together in this epic hair growth product from Raw African, it comes as no surprise the results (and reviews!) are impressive.
I Think Its Working But Its Really Hard To Wash Off and it makes my scalp itch
i've been using it for about 3 months , bgd fara2 fl hair growth awi , sh3ry kan bytwl btre2a ml7oza w ely kan ml7oz aktr en sh3ry kan hydrated gdnnn w healthy awi , i recommend it awi w hgebo kol mykhlas , brdo elprice bta3o msh whsh
Easy to use and full of stimulating oils. Doesn't smell strong either. Kind of smells like mint.