Pamper your skin and your senses with this Glysolid Musk Body Lotion. It gently moisturizes the skin and protects it from dehydration, leaving it smooth and supple. The elegant fragrance of musk will simultaneously unfold its sensual allure on your skin.
Glysolid Bath & Body Body Care Lotions & Butters MBody Lotion Moisturizers Moisturizers Lotions & Butters Pricefy add-to-cart // 46401685750047 200ml 160.00 // InStock 200mlPamper your skin and your senses with this Glysolid Musk Body Lotion. It gently moisturizes the skin and protects it from dehydration, leaving it smooth and supple. The elegant fragrance of musk will simultaneously unfold its sensual allure on your skin.